Thank you Jenny Craig for sponsoring this post. Tried other diets? It's time for Jenny Craig!
Becoming a mom changes you in many ways. There's no denying it, in good ways and bad ways things are just different. It changes your sleep habits. It changes your heart. It even changes your brain. Anyone else have mom brain now?
And it definitely changes your body. I became a mom for the first time over 9 years ago. My kids are 9, 7 and 5. I was either pregnant or nursing for quite a while. I also worked night shift until my 2nd child was 19 months old. I would get off from work at midnight or 1:00 am, come home, sleep a little and get back up at 7:00 am to do it all over again! Looking back I don't know how I did it. As you can imagine what I was eating, and how I was taking care of myself went out the window for quite a while.
My youngest is now almost 5. I have been trying to get rid of the "baby weight" ever since. I figure I can't even call it that anymore. It's been too long. Now that my kids are a little older I am finally feeling like life is settling down just a bit. I am ready to get back to my old self. I know that I am now ready to do something for me.
Besides my husband, I don't have much help with my kids. I am used to being Miss Strong Mom, doing everything on her own. Well, I have now learned that this journey to get healthy can not be done alone. I need help and it's Jenny to the rescue! I am starting on a 3 month Jenny Craig weight loss journey and I am so excited about this opportunity. Jenny Craig entrees are the basis of every meal. I get to add my own fruit, vegetables, and dairy so I will still lots of variety every day. I will be eating 6 times a day, 3 main meals and 3 snacks. I have tried tracking my own food intake, counting calories, and using various weight loss apps but I need more help than that. Jenny offers the structure of a menu with portion-controlled food so I can really learn what and how much I should be eating. Plus, I will get one-on-one personal support from my own Jenny Craig consultant! Here is my menu for the week:
I will be posting my thoughts and my progress every week in the newsletter and on Facebook and Instagram. Please follow along with me and cheer me on! Interested in finding out more about Jenny Craig for yourself? Click here for their latest offer!
This post was sponsored by Jenny Craig but the content and opinions expressed here are all own.
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