Hic... hic... hic... oh the ever-familiar sound of your child getting the hiccups.
You've probably tried all the tricks: Hold your breath, jump up and down, stand on your head, drink water, drink water while standing on your head.
My favorite is trying to scare my child into stopping. Never works, but it's fun for me!
The author received Hiccupops products and compensation for this article. All thoughts and opinions expressed are her own.
Working in pediatrics for over 20 years, I've been asked how to stop hiccups hundreds of times, but for the most part there has been limited hiccup research or sufficient studies to show effective results.
For most people, hiccups are just an annoyance that lasts a few minutes and goes away, but for others hiccups can be embarrassing, upsetting, and even painful. Getting frequent hiccups can really interrupt some people's quality of life.
So what's the solution that actually works? Hiccupops!
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These little lollipops, invented by a 12-year-old who experienced painful hiccups, are for children 5 years and older. Hiccupops are formulated to stop hiccups — often in seconds! — using a special blend of ingredients that resets the body's hiccup response and supports normal breathing patterns. Hiccupops have been backed by research published by Mayo Clinic doctors.
Just what are hiccups and why do you get them?
Hiccups are an irregular breathing pattern caused by an involuntary contraction of the diaphragm. This can be caused by consuming certain foods and drinks, stress, fear, excitement, and other factors. Common triggers are spicy foods and carbonated drinks.
Hiccupops come in 2 great flavors: Original Citrus and Sour Apple. They are made with apple cider vinegar and contain no artificial colors or flavors.
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Where to find these delicious little hiccup stoppers?
Hiccupops can be purchased at many CVS HealthHub locations nationwide in the Digestive Health Section (click here for locations), as well as on hiccupops.com. You can also find them online at CVS.
Occasional hiccups are a normal nuisance that everyone deals with at different times throughout their lives, but you no longer have to suffer with trying to hold your breath while drinking water and standing on your head!
Hiccupops are here to help. I'm keeping some in my purse, in our travel packs, and in our medicine cabinet for the occasions when hiccups pop up.
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Be sure to talk to your doctor if your hiccups last for longer than 48 hours or occur alongside an underlying medical condition or medication.
Want to know more? Visit Hiccupops.com and follow Hiccupops on Facebook and Instagram!